We don’t have a JOBS problem, we have a CAREERS problem

Since 2020, archaeology in both the UK and the USA has been experiencing a recruitment ‘squeeze’. At a time when demand for services has been very high, there have been unprecedented levels of hard-to-fill vacancies.
State of the Archaeological Market 2021

FAME has published the 2021 State of the Archaeological Market report, produced by Kenneth Aitchison and Doug Rocks-Macqueen of Landward Research.
State of the Archaeological Market 2020

Landward Research have been working with FAME, the Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers, to produce the State of the Archaeological Market 2020 report.
Profiling the Profession 2020

Profiling the Profession 2020, the updated labour market intelligence report for professional archaeology in the UK.
Help our profession or UK’s shared history will be lost, say archaeologists

“We know that our archaeological treasures are irreplaceable and we are determined to protect them. Our planning reforms will build on the strong protections already in place. Our deal with the EU means archaeologists can make short trips to the UK without work permits, and their qualifications will be recognised.”
Profiling the Profession 2020

UPDATE – the survey will now remain open until 17th January 2021. So please select the survey you are responding to: Survey for Organisations Survey for Individuals Landward Research is undertaking Profiling the Profession 2020, a survey of archaeological employment in the UK, with the support of several funders, looking to gather information from the […]