Labour Market Intelligence

Landward Research are the world-leading experts in this field and we are the only heritage-focused Company Partner of the Market Research Society, which ensures that all of our work complies with legal requirements and is undertaken to the highest of standards. This means that you can trust our data, our quality and the cultural value we provide.

This Labour Market Intelligence helps you plan for the future by informing archaeological organisations, educators, trainers and individuals of current market positions and trends.

For three decades we have run a series of projects that gather and analyse data on employment in UK archaeology, these show the dramatic long-term changes in UK archaeology – and employment in the sector. We have a global capacity and have led on projects gathering labour market comparative data in Europe, North America, South America and Africa. You can see examples of these projects below and on our Publications and Blog pages.


What We Do For You

Specialist Areas of Expertise

  • Professional cultural heritage sectors
  • Working with internationally funded organisations
  • Ethics and governance
  • Sustainable development
  • The work of professional associations and civil society organisations
  • Employability


  • Develop and implement data analyses projects
  • Analysing and interpreting data, from qualitative to quantitative
  • Create analysis reports that shares data


  • Social and Economic Research
  • Labour Market Intelligence
  • Skills Needs Assessment
  • Training Needs Assessment
  • Market Research

Highlighted Projects

Profiling the Profession

Profiling the Profession 2020 is a survey of employment and training in professional archaeology in the United Kingdom. This is the fifth in a series of surveys that began in 1997-98, which has allowed for longitudinal, time-series datasets to be built up that describe the changing nature of professional archaeology over the past quarter-century.

Data were gathered that applied to archaeological employers and individuals working in archaeology in March 2020 – immediately before the Covid-19 pandemic began to seriously affect working practices and immediately after the UK left the European Union. The project has captured the time-sensitive critical data required to understand how these events have impacted upon the sector, including data on employment conditions, staff qualifications, diversity and training issues.

Skills Needs in Buildings History and Garden History

Landward Research Ltd were delighted to have been commissioned by Historic England to assess skills needs and other labour market intelligence issues in the fields of buildings history, garden history and archaeological specialisms. This project was a successor to the Survey of Archaeological Specialists 2010-11 and Atkins 2008 “Identifying Activity and Skills Needs in Buildings History: Final Report”.