United Kingdom 2006-08

partner organisation Institute of Field Archaeologists
national report: Archaeology Labour Market Intelligence: Profiling the Profession 2007-08 in English (6.4Mb) (updated January 2009)
outline of archaeology in partner country download here (26.0Kb)
valorisation plan download valorisation plan here (26.0kb)
progress reports download progress report #1 (May 2007) here (36.5Kb)
download progress report #2 (September 2007) here (37.0Kb)
download progress report #3 (January 2008) here (37.0Kb)
download progress report #4 (June 2008) here (37.0Kb)
evaluation reports download evaluation report #1 (May 2007) here (37.0kb)
download evaluation report #2 (September 2007) here (35.0kb)
valorisation products Globalisation and Archaeological Employment : Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe (paper presented to World Archaeological Congress: Inter-Congress, Jamaica, 24 May 2007) (6.25Mb)
Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe (article published in The European Archaeologist 29) (29.0Kb)
poster presented at WAC, July 2008 (478Kb)
Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe (paper presented at the European Association of Archaeologists conference 2008) (22Mb)
previous reports Profiling the Profession: a survey of archaeological jobs in the UK (1997-98) (840Kb)
Archaeology Labour Market Intelligence: profiling the profession 2002-03 (2.14Mb)
project questionnaire Labour Market Intelligence: Profiling the Profession 2007-08 Questionnaire (480Kb)

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