
New Danish project partner – welcome Foreningen af Fagarkaeologer

Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe is delighted to announce that the partnership has just been expanded. Foreningen af Fagarkaeologer, a Danish professional association and interest group for archaeologists, who have already been doing some labour market intelligence work in Denmark have joined the project. The Danish research, which will be entirely funded from national sources, will now be able to be integrated into the wider project which now involves 23 partners from 21 European states. 


  • Ulla Odgaard - FaF board Member

    Dear author of this home page.
    FaF is happy to be part of the DISCO project, but I have an important correction: Foreningen af Fagarkæologer is not a trade union!
    We are a professional association and an interest group for our members.
    I hope you will be able to correct this information quickly, since it means a significant difference for many of our members.
    Thank you in advance
    Ulla Odgaard
    Member of the FaF board

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