Skills Needs in Buildings History and Garden History 2016-17

The report on Skills Needs in Buildings History and Garden History 2016-17 is available for download Skills Needs in Buildings History and Garden History 2017 Executive Summary The synthetic results presented here and in this report’s sister project, Survey of Archaeological Specialists 2016-17 (Aitchison 2017) allow for comparison between sub-sectors and across specialist areas […]
Survey of Historic Environment Specialists – we need your help
Survey of Historic Environment Specialists: We need your help The next few years are forecast to be a time of considerable change affecting our historic environment. Large-scale infrastructure projects like HS2, major road schemes, and a mammoth programme of housebuilding are forecast to very significantly increase the demand for a skilled historic environment workforce, at a […]
Historic Environment Specialists
Landward Research Ltd are delighted to have been commissioned by Historic England to assess skills needs and other labour market intelligence issues in the fields of buildings history, garden history and archaeological specialisms. These projects will be successors to the Survey of Archaeological Specialists 2010-11 and Atkins 2008 “Identifying Activity and Skills Needs in Buildings History: Final Report”. […]
Archaeological Market Survey 2016
The report on the Archaeological Market Survey 2016, undertaken by Landward Research Ltd on behalf of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, the Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers and Historic England, is now available. Download Archaeological Market Survey 2016. Executive Summary This Archaeological Market Survey report is on the State of the Market for Archaeological […]
The Survey of Archaeological Specialists 2010-11
The Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Archaeology is proud to announce the publication of a new report, which can be downloaded, free of charge, from our website using the link below. The Survey of Archaeological Specialists 2010-11 Kenneth Aitchison Survey of Archaeological Specialists 2010-11 This is a major update of the Survey of Archaeological Specialists […]
Landward Research Ltd at the IfA Annual Conference
Landward Research staff will be attending and contributing to the IfA Annual Conference in Reading from 13-15 April 2011. We will be making making three poster presentations which will be on show at the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for History, Classics and Archaeology stand. Doug-Rocks Macqueen’s poster presents a detailed analysis of all the jobs […]
Survey of Archaeological Specialists – survey link live
The Survey of Archaeological Specialists 2010-11 is now open - follow to complete the survey.