State of the Archaeological Market 2019

The report on the size and direction of UK commercial archaeology in 2019, written by Kenneth Aitchison and Doug Rocks-Macqueen, has been published by FAME. Download the report here State of the Archaeological Market 2019

State of the Archaeological Market, December 2012

Commercial, applied archaeology grew modestly in the nine months to December 2012. However, a wider data collection exercise has revealed that the size of the entre archaeological sector had been consistently overestimated. The total numbers working in archaeology are considerably lower than had been previously believed. Within commercial, applied archaeology, overall business confidence is improving. […]

State of the Archaeological Market

Landward Research Ltd is delighted to have been commissioned by the Institute for Archaeologists and the Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers to undertake further research into the current State of the Archaeological Market. This will involve two surveys, firstly collecting data as it applied on October 1st 2011 and then collecting data in April […]