Discovering the Archaeologists of the Americas – pilot project

We are delighted that our American company, Landward LLC, has been appointed by the Society for American Archaeology to work with them to deliver a pilot project that will look at professional archaeology in selected parts of the Americas. The project will launch at SAA's Annual Meeting in Orlando in April, and will run over the course of the […]

SAA and Discovering the Archaeologists of the Americas

Jeff Altschul, the President of the Society for American Archaeology, has written about the Discovering the Archaeologists of the Americas project and about Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe in the latest issue of SAA Archaeological Record.   While I was traveling, other members of SAA were hard at work. Two long-term survey initiatives are moving ahead. […]

Landward at SAA

Posting about Landward Research's contributions to the Society for American Archaeology's Annual Meeting in Austin was contrailed by the provider of this site (Typepad) coming under a sustained deliberate denial of service attack, which meant that we had no website for a week and no email access for five days. Both of these issues now […]

Task Force on Discovering the Archaeologists of the Americas

The Society for American Archaeology‘s  Task Force on Discovering the Archaeologists of the Americas, chaired by Kenneth Aitchison of Landward Research Ltd, has completed the first stage of its work by submitting a report and recommendations to the SAA Board of Directors on how labour market intelligence could be gathered for professional archaeology in all […]