
“Even after more than 10 years in this job the course still taught me something and allowed me to appreciate a more patient and thorough review of aerial photographs … I was so taken by the quality and professionalism of the course.” John Trehy, Terence O’Rourke Ltd, commenting on An Introduction to Using Aerial Photography for […]

Register for ScARF Directory of Archaeological Scientists

All scientists interested in working on Scottish archaeological material are invited to register in the new ScARF Directory of Archaeological Scientists. Landward Research Ltd have developed this service for ScARF, funded by Historic Scotland. The ScARF Science Panel set out The Vision for Science in Scottish Archaeology which recognised that successful archaeological science promotes knowledge exchange and transfer, […]

ScARF Science

The Science panel of the Scottish Archaeological Research Framework (ScARF) set out an exciting vision for science in Scottish archaeology. The ambition is for archaeological science in Scotland to be a world-leader, achieved through partnership and collaboration, and building on existing strengths and expertise. The vision outlines the need to increase scientific research capacity in […]