RPA, WAC and an Archaeological Ethics Bowl

On behalf of the Register of Professional Archaeologists, Kenneth Aitchison of Landward Research organised and chaired the Archaeological Ethics Bowl at WAC-9, the 9th World Archaeological Congress, which was held in Prague, Czech Republic, between 3rd and 8th July 2022.
RPA President Elect Candidate

Kenneth Aitchison is standing as a candidate for the Register of Professional Archaeologists’ President Elect.
Paid Internship Opportunity: 2021 Archaeological Ethics Internship

Register of Professional Archaeologists Summer Ethics Internship The Register is pleased to announce its fifth annual call for applications for our Summer Ethics Internship! Over the past four years, we have been heartened by how much the internship has grown and what our interns have accomplished. The Archaeological Ethics Database (http://www.archaeologicalethics.org), the online digital database co-sponsored by […]
codes of conduct
Landward Research Ltd corporately and / or its individual staff members are required to follow the following professional Codes of Conduct: Market Research Society Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Register of Professional Archaeologists Transparency Register
Register of Professional Archaeologists at EAA
This report has just been published on the ACRA-L mailing list. It's a useful overview of the Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe project, and introduces discussion of a Discovering the Archaeologists of the Americas project. EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF ARCHAEOLOGISTS MEETING, OSLO, NORWAY, 2011, AND DISCOVERING THE ARCHAEOLOGISTS OF EUROPE:RPA PRESIDENT’S REPORT Presentation on RPA […]