Ethics Workshop at CIfA Conference
Starting at 0900 on 22nd April 2021, there will be an archaeological Ethics Workshop at the CIfA 2021 Online Conference, sponsored by the Register of Professional Archaeologists.
Non-Professional Archaeologists in the US
Donn Grenda, the President of SRI has written a short piece in the SAA June 2018 Government Affairs and International Government Affairs Update. He has picked up on the recent issue of the (defeated) proposal to allow non-professionals to carry out archaeological fieldwork on Arizona state lands, and the concern that this could come back […]
Who Works in African Archaeology?
Paper presented by Kenneth Aitchison at SAA Annual Meeting 2018 in Washington DC on April 12th, 2018. Follows on Discovering the Archaeologists of Africa project, after project launch at ICAHM Bagamoyo 2017. Includes first estimate of total number of professional archaeologists working in Africa. Download PowerPoint presentation, with full text as notes.
Heritage Market Survey 2014
The report on the Heritage Market Survey 2014, which collected data on the condition of commercial archaeology in the UK in March 2014 has been published. Download Heritage Market Survey 2014 Report. Executive Summary This Heritage Market Survey report is on the State of the Market for Archaeological Services in 2013-14 and has been […]
Professional Archaeology in the UK in 2015
Cultural Trends has recently published an exciting new special issue on cultural policy ahead of the 2015 UK general election. This intended to stimulate debate about the past and future of cultural policy, to critique current assumptions and to introduce fresh ideas. Kenneth Aitchison of Landward Research Ltd authored the article on .
Reviews for Breaking New Ground
Breaking New Ground: how professional archaeology works, published by Landward Research Ltd, has received a couple of reviews on Amazon. It has also been reviewed in RESCUE News by Reuben Thorpe (with the same review text as published on Amazon) "Aitchison will be known as probably the most hard working and prolific writer about archaeology in the […]