Breaking New Ground – price reduced

Breaking New Ground: how professional archaeology works, Kenneth Aitchison’s 2012 contemporary history of professional archaeology in the UK, how it developed and what the key organisations and sites have been  – is now reduced in price. It’s now available through for only £0.99. a good, exhaustive guide and update for the archaeologist and non […]

Breaking New Ground reviewed in Arqueologia Publica

Breaking New Ground: how professional archaeology works has been reviewed in Volume 4 – 2014 of Arqueologia Publica. The full review is at   REVIEWS Doug ROCKS-MACQUEEN Breaking New Ground: How Professional Archaeology Works [Kenneth Aitchison] Landward Research 2013 Kindle Edition The first thing a reader will notice about this book is the lack […]

Museums Journal Conversation

Kenneth Aitchison was 'in conversation' with Mike Heyworth of the Council for British Archaeology in issue 115/07 of the Museums Journal (published on 4th February 2015) discussing the launch of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.    The conversation   Mike Heyworth; Kenneth Aitchison , Issue 115/17, 04.02.2015   How will the launch of the Chartered […]

Discovering the Archaeologists of the World

Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe 2014 has shown that measuring archaeologists’ capabilities is a tool that can be used to plan for the development of the profession, development that is necessary to enhance to protection and interpretation of the global archaeological resource. A special issue of Archaeologies: the Journal of the World Archaeological Congress (vol. 10, no. […]

Presentation at Osaka Museum of History

Kenneth Aitchison, the Executive Director of Landward Research Ltd, was honoured to be invited to visit Osaka and to make a public presentation at the Osaka Museum of History to the Kansai Meeting of the Society of Archaeological Studies on the topic of Professional Practice in United Kingdom Archaeology.   Download PowerPoint presentation (text in English and Japanese, […]

new publication – Breaking New Ground: how archaeology works

Landward Research have published Kenneth Aitchison’s “Breaking New Ground: how archaeology works“. This book, available on Kindle, is a contemporary history of the last twenty years of professional archaeological practice in the United Kingdom, charting the progression of archaeology since the publication of PPG 16 and then the effects of the economic downturn since 2008. […]