Historic Scotland Funding for PhD in Archaeological Science
New Funding Initiative by Historic Scotland The Archaeology Programme supports a range of activities designed to mitigate the destruction of archaeological sites and landscapes through the funding of projects involving survey, excavation, advice, training and education. Such projects either rescue information in the face of unavoidable threats or help us to assess the threat to […]
EAA Plzen
Landward Research Ltd were represented at the European Association of Archaeologists' 19th Annual Meeting in Plzen in September 2013. Kenneth Aitchison gave two papers, presenting Oranges are not the only fruit: choice, competition and collaboration between professional associations in the Committee on Professional Associations in Archaeology sesssion The Roles and Benefits of Professional Associations in Europe and […]
Executive Director Awarded PhD
Kenneth Aitchison, Executive Director of Landward Research Ltd, was proud to receive the award of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh on 30th June 2011. The title of the thesis that he submitted for PhD (by Research Publications) was “Demand and Supply in UK Archaeological Employment, 1990-2010”. Dr Aitchison said “I am delighted […]