Chief Executive for Landward Research Teoranta

Landward Research Teoranta (Landward Research Ltd’s wholly owned subsidiary in Ireland) are delighted to announce that Mark Spanjer has been appointed as the company’s Chief Executive. He will lead on growth and development in the European market.
Professional Associations working to Shared Professional Standards

The CIfA International Practice Special Interest Group, together with the EAA Committee on Professional Associations in Archaeology, will be organising a round table session at the EAA Annual Conference in Barcelona in September 2018. The EAA Committee on Professional Associations in Archaeology and the CIfA International Practice Special Interest Group want to promote high standards […]
Mark Spanjer, EAA Executive Board candidate

Mark Spanjer, one of Landward Research Ltd’s Directors, is standing for election to the European Association of Archaeologists‘ Executive Board in 2017. Landward Research Ltd strongly endorses his candidacy! This is his inspiring election statement. The year was 2000 and I, Mark Spanjer, was at the European Association of Archaeologists annual meeting for the first […]