Mark Spanjer, EAA Executive Board candidate

Mark Spanjer

Mark Spanjer, one of Landward Research Ltd’s Directors, is standing for election to the European Association of Archaeologists‘ Executive Board in 2017. Landward Research Ltd strongly endorses his candidacy! This is his inspiring election statement. The year was 2000 and I, Mark Spanjer, was at the European Association of Archaeologists annual meeting for the first […]

Videorecording at EAA Glasgow conference

Landward Research Ltd were delighted to provide videorecording services to the European Association of Archaeologists annual conference 2015 in Glasgow. EAA have now announced that: it is my pleasure to inform you that video recordings from selected sessions at the EAA conference in Glasgow 2015 are now available at The list of recorded sessions will be […]

EAA Plzen

Landward Research Ltd were represented at the European Association of Archaeologists' 19th Annual Meeting in Plzen in September 2013. Kenneth Aitchison gave two papers, presenting Oranges are not the only fruit: choice, competition and collaboration between professional associations in the Committee on Professional Associations in Archaeology sesssion The Roles and Benefits of Professional Associations in Europe and […]

Register of Professional Archaeologists at EAA

This report has just been published on the ACRA-L mailing list. It's a useful overview of the Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe project, and introduces discussion of a Discovering the Archaeologists of the Americas project.   EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF ARCHAEOLOGISTS MEETING, OSLO, NORWAY, 2011, AND DISCOVERING THE ARCHAEOLOGISTS OF EUROPE:RPA PRESIDENT’S REPORT Presentation on RPA […]

Studying Archaeology in Europe

Studying Archaeology in Europe is a new transnational project being managed by . Within Europe, professional archaeology is an activity regulated according to local legislative structures. Throughout Europe, however, the purpose of archaeological work is to identify, record and, where necessary, protect the environmental resources that are the archaeological traces of people’s lives in the […]

Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe 2012-14

Following a very successful Preparatory Visit Meeting, hosted by the European Association of Archaeologists, the organisations represented at that meeting agreed to continue to look closely at working together to participate in a new Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe project. This will update and expand the partnership represented in the original (2006-08) project. The following […]