Disco Community 2018

The European Association of Archaeologists’ Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe Community will meet on 5th September 2018 from 0900 to 1000 at the University of Barcelona Faculty of History & Geography (UB) room UB 206.

SAA and Discovering the Archaeologists of the Americas

Jeff Altschul, the President of the Society for American Archaeology, has written about the Discovering the Archaeologists of the Americas project and about Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe in the latest issue of SAA Archaeological Record.   While I was traveling, other members of SAA were hard at work. Two long-term survey initiatives are moving ahead. […]

Discovering the Archaeologists of the World

Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe 2014 has shown that measuring archaeologists’ capabilities is a tool that can be used to plan for the development of the profession, development that is necessary to enhance to protection and interpretation of the global archaeological resource. A special issue of Archaeologies: the Journal of the World Archaeological Congress (vol. 10, no. […]

Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe 2014 – Transnational Report

The Transnational Report of the Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe 2014 project, which brings together data from all of the 21 national reports published as part of the project, has itself been published. Kenneth Aitchison and Doug Rocks-Macqueen of Landward Research Ltd are two of the co-authors. Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe 2012-14: Transnational Report […]

Discovering the Archaeologists of the United Kingdom 2012-14

Discovering the Archaeologists of the United Kingdom 2012-14 (Aitchison & Rocks-Macqueen 2014) has been published; textually, this is identical to Archaeology Labour Market Intelligence: Profiling the Profession 2012-13, the cover pages have been updated to allow it to fit neatly into the Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe 2012-14 series, where 21 comparable national reports are […]

EAA Plzen

Landward Research Ltd were represented at the European Association of Archaeologists' 19th Annual Meeting in Plzen in September 2013. Kenneth Aitchison gave two papers, presenting Oranges are not the only fruit: choice, competition and collaboration between professional associations in the Committee on Professional Associations in Archaeology sesssion The Roles and Benefits of Professional Associations in Europe and […]

Digging in the Crisis

Kenneth Aitchison of Landward Research Ltd and York Archaeological Trust was delighted to present a paper at “Digging in the Crisis“, organised by the Confederazione Italiana Archeologi on 14th March 2013.   The History of Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe is a project that looks at employment and training issues […]

Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe 2012-14

Landward Research Ltd is delighted to be the UK research partner in the transnational Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe 2012-14 project. This project, which is being managed by York Archaeological Trust, is  examining archaeological employment and barriers to transnational mobility within archaeology across twenty European countries. It is undertaken with the support of the Lifelong […]

Presentation at Osaka Museum of History

Kenneth Aitchison, the Executive Director of Landward Research Ltd, was honoured to be invited to visit Osaka and to make a public presentation at the Osaka Museum of History to the Kansai Meeting of the Society of Archaeological Studies on the topic of Professional Practice in United Kingdom Archaeology.   Download PowerPoint presentation (text in English and Japanese, […]