Archaeological Market Survey 2016
The report on the Archaeological Market Survey 2016, undertaken by Landward Research Ltd on behalf of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, the Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers and Historic England, is now available. Download Archaeological Market Survey 2016. Executive Summary This Archaeological Market Survey report is on the State of the Market for Archaeological […]
codes of conduct
Landward Research Ltd corporately and / or its individual staff members are required to follow the following professional Codes of Conduct: Market Research Society Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Register of Professional Archaeologists Transparency Register
Heritage Market Survey 2014
The report on the Heritage Market Survey 2014, which collected data on the condition of commercial archaeology in the UK in March 2014 has been published. Download Heritage Market Survey 2014 Report. Executive Summary This Heritage Market Survey report is on the State of the Market for Archaeological Services in 2013-14 and has been […]
Introduction to Demystifying ‘Capacity Building’
Kenneth Aitchison's introduction (with video) to the Demystifying 'Capacity Building' session at CIfA 2015 is available for download.
CIfA Conference 2015
The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists’ annual conference – the first for the Institute with its newly Chartered status, will be held in Cardiff from 15th- 17th April 2015. Two sessions are co-organised by Landward Research Ltd staff members: Demystifying ‘Capacity Building’ and The Future of Engagement, and we are also providing videorecording services for ten […]
Demystifying ‘Capacity Building’
DEMYSTIFYING 'CAPACITY BUILDING' is a session at the forthcoming CIfA conference 2015, to be held in the Brecon Room, Mercure Holland House Hotel Cardiff at 2.00pm on Thursday 16th April 2015. Organisers: Amanda Feather, Historic England ( and Kenneth Aitchison, Landward Research Ltd ( 'Capacity Building' is a familiar phrase in the world of development‐aid projects, […]
Museums Journal Conversation
Kenneth Aitchison was 'in conversation' with Mike Heyworth of the Council for British Archaeology in issue 115/07 of the Museums Journal (published on 4th February 2015) discussing the launch of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. The conversation Mike Heyworth; Kenneth Aitchison , Issue 115/17, 04.02.2015 How will the launch of the Chartered […]