CIfA Conference 2015

The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists’ annual conference – the first for the Institute with its newly Chartered status, will be held in Cardiff from 15th- 17th April 2015. Two sessions are co-organised by Landward Research Ltd staff members: Demystifying ‘Capacity Building’ and The Future of Engagement, and we are also providing videorecording services for ten […]

Demystifying ‘Capacity Building’

DEMYSTIFYING 'CAPACITY BUILDING' is a session at the forthcoming CIfA conference 2015, to be held in the Brecon Room, Mercure Holland House Hotel Cardiff at 2.00pm on Thursday 16th April 2015. Organisers: Amanda Feather, Historic England ( and Kenneth Aitchison, Landward Research Ltd ( 'Capacity Building' is a familiar phrase in the world of development‐aid projects, […]

Discovering the Archaeologists of the World

Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe 2014 has shown that measuring archaeologists’ capabilities is a tool that can be used to plan for the development of the profession, development that is necessary to enhance to protection and interpretation of the global archaeological resource. A special issue of Archaeologies: the Journal of the World Archaeological Congress (vol. 10, no. […]

Compare and Contrast

Kenneth Aitchison has recently had an article published simultaneously in Icon News and The Archaeologist, examining the comparable professions of archaeology and conservation through the labour market intelligence produced in the Archaeology Labour Market Intelligence: Profiling the Profession 2012-13 and Conservation Labour Market Intelligence reports.  COMPARE AND CONTRAST Kenneth Aitchison examines the similarities and differences […]

Landward Research Ltd

Landward Research Ltd is a labour market intelligence, skills development and monitoring & evaluation consultancy. We are committed to developing people's skills to support communities and to protect environmental assets around the world. We are a not-for-distributable-profit social enterprise with offices or staff in Sheffield, Edinburgh, Musselburgh, Stoke-upon-Trent and New Mexico from which we seek […]