Megaprojects and Historic Environments: a Sustainable Road Map to MegaLegacy?
Conference Session at European Association of Archaeologists conference, August 2023
North Sea Prehistory Research and Management Framework webinars and briefing note
Two webinars were delivered on 10th March 2023, launching the revised and updated North Sea Prehistory Research and Management Framework.
Jobs Careers Problem Video
Conference paper on the problem of career progresion in archaeology
Honorary Professor at the University of Liverpool
PaleoWest buys Commonwealth Heritage Group
PaleoWest, one of the largest Cultural Resource Management (CRM) companies in the United States has bought one of their major competitors, Commonwealth Heritage Group.
EAA 2022: Back in person
Being able to talk directly to colleagues about their work and to find opportunities to collaborate reinforced the purpose of having and attending conferences.
RPA, WAC and an Archaeological Ethics Bowl
On behalf of the Register of Professional Archaeologists, Kenneth Aitchison of Landward Research organised and chaired the Archaeological Ethics Bowl at WAC-9, the 9th World Archaeological Congress, which was held in Prague, Czech Republic, between 3rd and 8th July 2022.
Collective Memories of A Nation in Concrete
“The demolition of the silos is another milestone in the provoked and conscious amnesia of a cursed nation, as justice is forgotten and never served”
State of the Archaeological Market 2021
FAME has published the 2021 State of the Archaeological Market report, produced by Kenneth Aitchison and Doug Rocks-Macqueen of Landward Research.
Understanding Models for the Delivery of Local Authority Archaeology Services
Local authority archaeology services in England are delivered via a variety of mechanisms and structures that have evolved according to local circumstances.
In order to assist local authorities in supporting services that are effective for their own unique needs, ALGAO: England commissioned Landward Research to develop an understanding of how these structures have evolved and what contributes to their success or failure.