Landward project commended by European Commission
The ‘Innovative format of education and training of the integrated archaeological and natural heritage’ (ANHER) project has been commended by the European Commission for being an example of a best practice Erasmus+ project. A summary has been included in the new publication, Erasmus+ Enriching our Cultural Heritage.
ANHER presentation at HERMA conference
Kenneth Aitchison’s presentation on the ANHER project – Innovative format of education and training of the integrated archaeological and natural heritage – at the 3rd Initiative for Heritage Conserveration Heritage Management Conference was one of ten presentations to the conference to be videoed by the Bodossaki Foundation filmed and published on Blod. This is now available for download: […]
ANHER at International Heritage Management Conference, Elefsina
Paper presented by Kenneth Aitchison on – ANHER and Centres of Integrated Heritage Teaching Excellence at 3rd IHC Conference on International Heritage Management. Aitchison_ANHER_IHC
ANHER at World Archaeological Congress
Kenenth Aitchison and Arek Marciniak of Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu jointly presented a paper on the ANHER project at WAC-8. The paper’s title was – ANHER and Centres of Integrated Heritage Teaching Excellence. It was presented in a session called Educating the Masses: New Approaches to Teaching Digital Archaeology, which stimulated valuable discussion about […]
Landward Research Ltd are part of the new ANHER (Innovative format of education and training of the integrated archaeological and natural heritage) project, funded by the European Commission's Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnerships in VET programme. The project is led by the Institute of Prehistory at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. The project’s ultimate objective […]
Current and Recent projects
Project Client Funder Evaluating project proposals Research Executive Agency of the European Commission European Commission – Horizon 2020 ANHER (Innovative format of education and training of the integrated archaeological and natural heritage) Institute of Prehistory, Adam Mickiewick University in Poznan European Commission – Erasmus + – Strategic Partnerships Vocational Education and Training Videorecording CIfA Conference […]