The municipality of Bkaatouta, the Lebanese General Directorate of Antiquities and Landward Research have joined hands to launch a first hands-on educational heritage weekend in the upper highlands (Jurd) of Bkaatouta on Saturday July 31st and Sunday, August 1st 2021 along the newly inaugurated Bkaatouta Heritage Trail, also known as “Darb el Tourath”. Heritage based educational activities will target local children as well as the youth of the region. A team of expert archaeologists (Elie Akiki, Alia Fares, Robin Batah), educational officers and heritage advisors (Takla Khoueiry, Julie Lebnann, LMTA) local guides (Anthony Freyfer, Rita Khalil), heritage volunteers (Celine Moubarak), as well as parents and villagers will participate in learning about their past. Activities will include excavating fake digs, ancient pottery making, historical timeline identification, archaeological sketching, drawing of heritage items, as well as fun games, all with the aim to promote the importance of protecting and preserving the cultural and archaeological heritage of Bkaatouta’s rural region. Join us on this fun journey for 2 consecutive days, as we discover together our archaeological and cultural heritage, as we end it with a hiking celebration along Bkaatouta’s heritage trail.