Kenneth Aitchison has been appointed as CEO of FAME, the Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers. He formally takes up this appointment at the FAME AGM on 20th June 2019.
FAME announced the appointment: “The Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers is very pleased to announce the appointment of its new CEO, Dr Kenneth Aitchison, who takes up the post from the beginning of May 2019. Kenneth is a founder and director of Landward Research Ltd and has been actively involved in high level engagement with UK and European governmental, political and national agencies, representing the archaeological profession and commercial archaeological practice. A graduate of Edinburgh and Sheffield Universities, over his 30 years career Kenneth has been a field archaeologist, a project manager, Head of Projects and Professional Development for the Institute for Archaeologists, Skills Strategy Manager for Icon, the Institute of Conservation, and he was awarded his doctorate for his ground-breaking research into the structure and composition of the archaeological profession in the UK. At Landward he has specialised in labour market research, identifying sectoral skills needs and capacity building requirements, through undertaking skills surveys that build up trend data and identify and address skills gaps within the sector.
He takes over from Nick Shepherd who has led FAME successfully over the past four years, developing its influence and profile as the voice of commercial archaeology, extending its membership into the Republic of Ireland as well as the UK. FAME’s Chairman Tim Malim says “I am delighted to have Kenneth join the company, and look forward to working with him to help deliver our shared future vision for the association. Although we will be sad to see Nick leave as we are very grateful for the huge contribution he has made during his time in post, I and the board are all excited to harness the experience and contacts that Kenneth brings, so that we can explore fresh opportunities which will help grow our advocacy and member services during the next three years and beyond”.
FAME represent over 50 commercial organisations who employ the majority of archaeologists working in applied archaeology in the UK. FAME is the distinctive voice of archaeological employers and managers, and the only organisation solely devoted to representing their interests within the profession and the business world.