Agent-Based Modelling for Archaeologists

We have completed our project, Agent-Based Modelling for Archaeologists and we are happy to share the final versions of the tutorials on a website with more resources for learning ABM.

Understanding Models for the Delivery of Local Authority Archaeology Services

Local authority archaeology services in England are delivered via a variety of mechanisms and structures that have evolved according to local circumstances.
In order to assist local authorities in supporting services that are effective for their own unique needs, ALGAO: England commissioned Landward Research to develop an understanding of how these structures have evolved and what contributes to their success or failure.

Profiling the Profession 2020

Profiling the Profession 2020, the updated labour market intelligence report for professional archaeology in the UK.

Development-Led Archaeology in Scotland and Covid-19

Landward is delighted to be involved in the publication of the FAME / ALGAO  Development-led Archaeology in Scotland and Covid-19. This publication has brought together contributors from across Scotland, involved in both the commercial and curatorial sides of development-led archaeology to show the sector’s resilience in the face of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. […]

Impact of Covid-19 on Local Authority Archaeology Services

provision of local government archaeological services during Covid-19

Landward Research has undertaken a rapid survey of ALGAO members to find out how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the work of archaeological advisors to local government across the UK. The overwhelming majority of ALGAO members have been able to continue to deliver services as they were able to do before the onset of the […]

State of the Archaeological Market 2019

The report on the size and direction of UK commercial archaeology in 2019, written by Kenneth Aitchison and Doug Rocks-Macqueen, has been published by FAME. Download the report here State of the Archaeological Market 2019

Archaeology in Development Management

cover of archaeology in development management

New research reveals the significant contribution of Local Authority Archaeology in Development Archaeological work was fully incorporated into the planning system across the UK in the early 1990s to manage the impacts that development may have upon the historic environment. The report presents the results of research conducted by Landward Research Ltd for ALGAO:UK, on […]

Listen to me! Lobbying for archaeology

An article by Kenneth Aitchison, updating a paper given at the EAA 2018 conference in Barcelona, has been published as an ‘early view’ in Archäologische Informationen. Read the article here