Cuts to Archaeology Teaching Grants
The grants that universities in England receive for teaching archaeology may be cut by 50%.
All archaeologists working in the UK are graduates. Not every recipient of an archaeology degree goes on to work in archaeology, but those that do provide tangible, quantifiable benefits to the country that are worth a quarter of a billion pounds every year.
No More Polluter Pays Principle
A new article, published in Internet Archaeology, looks at how public benefit is delivered through working with clients as partners. Case studies – A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Improvement, Crossrail, Bloomberg
State of the Archaeological Market 2019
The report on the size and direction of UK commercial archaeology in 2019, written by Kenneth Aitchison and Doug Rocks-Macqueen, has been published by FAME. Download the report here State of the Archaeological Market 2019
Archaeological Market Survey 2017-18
Record levels of commercial investment and employment for archaeologists in the UK.
Disco Community 2018
The European Association of Archaeologists’ Discovering the Archaeologists of Europe Community will meet on 5th September 2018 from 0900 to 1000 at the University of Barcelona Faculty of History & Geography (UB) room UB 206.
Discovering the Archaeologists of Africa Survey
Hello. You are invited to participate in the Discovering the Archaeologists of Africa project. This project aims to bring a general perspective on who works in African archaeology and the ways that archaeology is done in African countries. In this first stage of the project, we are asking people to complete a short survey that asks […]
Archaeological Market Survey 2017
Landward Research Ltd’s annual Archaeological Market Survey report for 2016-17 has been published. Download Archaeological Market Survey 2017 In financial year 2016-17 commercial archaeology grew in terms of the number of employees working in the sector, but levels of financial turnover decreased and profit levels were unchanged. The sector was not as confident as it had been […]