certificate 2021

Carbon Neutral

Landward Research Ltd's carbon footprint in 2020-21 was less than 2% of the previous year's total.

Landward Research Ltd tracks and then offsets the company’s carbon emmissions with Carbon Footprint. We have just received certification for 2020-21, meaning we have now been carbon neutral since incorporation in 2010.

Our carbon footprint in 2021-21 was only 1.9% of the previous year’s total. We produced and offset 0.333 tonnes in 2020-21, in comparison with the year before, when we offset 17.6 tonnes, and the big reason has been Covid-19 pandemic minimising business travel. The challenge for next year is to continue to track, to reduce our emissions per member of staff below the pre-virus levels, and to continue to offset.

All Landward Research Ltd’s carbon offset certificates are visible here.

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