All scientists interested in working on Scottish archaeological material are invited to register in the new ScARF Directory of Archaeological Scientists. Landward Research Ltd have developed this service for ScARF, funded by Historic Scotland.
The ScARF Science Panel set out The Vision for Science in Scottish Archaeology which recognised that successful archaeological science promotes knowledge exchange and transfer, and this initiative forms the backbone of a virtual network of archaeological scientists, so enhancing communication between scientists and between scientists and field practitioners and other potential users of the scientists’ expertise.
This new portal will allow archaeological scientists who are able to work on Scottish materials to identifying their areas of specialist expertise and provide their contact details for potential clients – it’s a free-to-use online marketplace.
This is a guide to where expertise and resources are available and so will facilitate better integration of science with Scottish archaeology.
The Directory is open for individuals or organisations; the first step to promoting your details is to register as a ScARF user. It is free to register on ScARF, and it is free to register on the Directory.
As a registered ScARF user, registration on the Directory of Archaeological Scientists is then very straightforward – follow this link to register, and you will be invited to identify where you are located, how would-be users of your services can contact you (email, phone, website) and which specialisms you are able to offer.
These are listed under the six macroheadings used in the ScARF Science Panel Report of:
o Chronology
o Human and Animal Sciences
o Understanding Materials
o People and the Environment
o Detecting and Imaging Heritage Assets
o Statistical Modelling in Archaeological Applications
With several subcategories for each. You can check as many or as few specialisms as you wish.
Searching the database is also very straightforward – users go to this link to carry out a search, which can be by specialism, by individual or organisational name, and the results are produced both as a list of potential contacts and in a map form.
This project is intended to give archaeological scientists the opportunity to promote their skills, and so to match them with clients who need someone to apply those scientific skills.
It will also help to identify what resources Scotland needs and thereby to then identify where the gaps are (to inform funding priorities and decisions) and to identify where gaps are emerging (to support succession planning), and also to strengthen Scottish Universities in the provision of archaeological science.