Adapting Green Skills to Vocational Education

Landward Research Ltd is working on a project funded by the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme - Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships together with partners from Turkey (HATİCE BAYRAKTAR TEKNİK VE ENDÜSTRİ MESLEK LİSESİ and Köyceğiz Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitim Merkezi Müdürlüğü), Bulgaria (Konstantin Stamov Ltd.), Czech Republic (RIVA, o.s.) and Germany (Bildungsinstitut PSCHERER gGmbH and stratum GmbH) on skills development and advocacy project that aims to ensure that vocational education and training delivers environmentally sustainable skills

The future is changing and the skills needed are changing too. For a better world we must be careful on environmental issues. Vocational education must be adapted to meet environmental needs. For a greener industry we need more qualified workers and so we should adapt our vocational training to these needs. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) and The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) have launched a global research project to investigate skills needs for structural shifts caused by greening the economy, new and changing occupational profiles, and major skills constraints.

Our Project will focus on creating a report on "what kind of training development is needed to embed the green skills in VET systems of partner countries". This report will include following topics:

What is the situation on vocational education in partner countries about green jobs?
Which occupations are directly related to green skills?
What kind of regulations should be developed?
What lessons should be renewed in curricula of partner countries?
What occupations should be changed and upgraded?
A road map for each country to adapt their vocational training VET systems for green skills

This report will be a preliminary step for partner countries to change their vocational training to meet the need for green skills jobs. 

Each partner will translate this comparative report to their own language and disseminate it in their own country.

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