State of the Archaeological Market Reports
Update on market conditions in commercial archaeology October 2011, April 2012 and December 2012.
Job Losses in Archaeology
Update on market conditions in commercial archaeology July 2010 – April 2011.
Survey of Archaeological Specialists
Studies which have aimed to collect data from a wide variety of areas of specialist activity within archaeology.
Skills Needs in Buildings History and Garden History 2017
Survey of buildings history and garden history specialists that provides results, together with the report’s sister project, Survey of Archaeological Specialists.
Historic Environment and Cultural Heritage Skills Survey
Landward Research contributed to a project looking at skills across the wider cultural heritage sector.
Development-led Archaeology and Covid-19 in Scotland
Andrew Heald & Kenneth Aitchison, 2020
Impact of Covid-19 on Local Authority Archaeology Services
Kenneth Aitchison, Poppy German & Doug Rocks-Macqueen
Archaeology and Development Management
Doug Rocks-Macqueen & Ben Lewis
Guidelines for the stewardship of heritage assets in forestry management
Coralie Mills, Gordon Brown & Doug Rocks-Macqueen. 2017
Blogging Archaeology
Doug Rocks-Macqueen & Chris Webster. 2014