Labour Market Intelligence
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Agent-Based Modelling for Archaeologists
This web-software development project produced materials targeted towards teachers / instructors who want to introduce an audience to agent-based modeling.
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FAME CEO & Deputy CEO (Consultancy)
Providing leadership, management and executive facilities to the Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers, the trade association for commercial archaeology in the UK and Ireland
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Project Management
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Profiling the Profession (Labour Market Intelligence)
The only source of consistent labour market intelligence for professional archaeology in the UK, providing information that has been gathered, analysed, and presented
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ALGAO:UMD (Project Management)
Understanding Models for the Delivery of Local Authority Archaeology Services - analysis of how local authority archaeology services in England are delivered via a variety of mechanisms and structures, promoting understanding of how these structures have evolved and what contributes to their success or failure.
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Unlocking cultural value

Global heritage experts providing insights, project management and consultancy.  We are a team of heritage experts, labour market specialists, educators, data geeks, strategists and research analysts who unlock new opportunities in your role as a custodian of our shared cultural heritage.

Landward Research is recognised internationally as being the leading provider of labour market intelligence for the heritage sector. We are passionate about championing the economic value of heritage at individual, community and global levels without damaging humanity’s cultural memory.  

Latest News and Insights

MRS Climate Pledge

Human-driven climate change is a problem which can no longer be ignored. We acknowledge that our businesses, and the insight sector in general, have a key role to play in

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Our Expertise

Labour Market Intelligence

We provide specifically gathered intelligence, analysed, interpreted and presented for the cultural sector.

Project Management

We undertake project development, design and delivery –  we manage the projects the finances and the teams.


We are well informed and connected – with the cultural and industry knowledge to provide the best advice.

Web Software Development

We use a wide variety of software to create databases, interfaces and graphic design to meet your needs.

Global Capacity

Landward Offices
Our offices are located in Ireland, the United States and the United Kingdom.

Our Services
Consultancy, Labour Market Intelligence and Project Management

Video Projects
Recorded and edited training, conferences and presentations.

The Team

Kenneth is internationally recognised as the leading world expert in employment data for professional archaeology.
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Dr Kenneth Aitchison
Founder & CEO

Quonya is a museum and heritage professional who creates functional and bespoke designs.
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Quonya Huff